
AKPC managed to break the record of production and sale

AKPC managed to break the record of production and sale
​In the second season of 2019:
Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company managed to break the record of production and sale.
Having achieved 100% of the production program, Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company set a new record in various polymer units for the first time. 
In the second quarter of this year, 100% of the production program has been achieved for the first time in different polymer units, such that production in the HD unit which was predicted 341 thousand 62 tons in addition to realizing 100% of the projected program showed a 12% growth compared to the program. Moreover, with a 46% growth in production tonnage compared to the same period in the last 7 years, the company hit the production record for the first time.
In the LLD unit, producing 677 thousand and 37 tons of products in addition to realizing 100 percent of the projected program, there is 18 percent generation more than the program and by 42 percent growth in production compared to the same period last year managed to set a new record in the last seven years regarding production in this polymer unit. In the LD unit, by producing 646 thousand and 46 tons, 97 percent of the projected program was realized; this unit has also witnessed a growth of 43 percent compared to the same period and set a new record in production for the first time.
According to the report by public relations of Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company, this company produced 368,551 tons which is highest total production in the second quarter of this year compared to previous periods. It has also set the record of highest polymer products by producing 166,545 tons. In the second quarter of 2019, by selling 280,290 tons, this production complex witnesses a 30% growth in selling all types of products compared to the same period of last year and the most amount of sell in the last 7 years. 
Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company has continued to grow in recent years by registering 368,515 tons of types of products, in addition to fulfilling 87 percent of its production program; it has managed to increase by 9 percent compared to the same period in the last seven years.
By registering this amount of production according to the BI system outputs, Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company has the highest production in the second quarter of 2019 compared to the last seven years. Producing polymer products which create the highest added value and revenue for the company, with 166,545 tons in addition to 8 percent increase compared to the predicted program, there is a 43% growth compared to the same period of last year.
Regarding feedstock and supply in the second quarter of 2019, Amir Kabir petrochemical Company, through negotiations and consultations, was able to realize 208 percent of the planned program by receiving 81,992 tons of ethylene. This amount of ethylene shows a 222 percent rise which is unprecedented in the last seven years. 
During the said period, the company, having received 217,364 tons of liquid feedstock, has managed to achieve 81 percent of the planned program, witnessing 12 percent growth compared to the same period last year, and its uptrend has been remarkable in the last seven years.
Regarding sales, this production complex has sold 280,290 tons in the second quarter of 2019 which shows a 30% growth in selling all types of products compared to similar period of last year and the highest amount of sale in the last seven years. 
Sales of Polymer Products of Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company, which produces the most value added and revenue of the company, with a sale of 143,140 tons, in addition to realizing 92 percent compared to the projected program, has 20 percent growth compared to the same period of last year, which is one of the top sales records taken place over the past seven years.
The export products of the company, with a sale of 59,705 tons, increased by 35 percent compared to the same period of last year.
It is worth mentioning that Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company operates in the field of polymer raw materials production in in an area of 55 hectares located in the south of Petrochemical Economic Special Zone in Mahshahr. 
Jul 3, 2019 11:48
Number of visit : 5,394


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